We will adjust the size for any HJC helmets you purchase. We can adjust the interior to a size of your liking, as well as adjust parts of the helmet exterior to make it just right.
If you find the helmet size dissatisfactory after purchasing it, come back and ask us about it anytime. We'll adjust it as much as we can.
Picking a Helmet Type
We'll ask what your riding style and scene is to pick out a helmet for you.
Picking a Size
Everyone has a differently sized and shaped head, so we measure it to find our base size. We also compensate for those who wear glasses.
Trying the Size
We'll have you try on a helmet of the projected size and see how it feels horizontally, vertically and in the interior.
Size Checks
While you have on the helmet, we'll meticulously check to make sure nowhere is particularly open or tight.
Size Adjustment
If the HJC official interior size exchanges don't bring the helmet to a size of your liking, we will adjust it using RC TAICHI OSAKA original adjustment pads. We will also add in the needed slits for glasses use.
Fine-Tuning the Size
We will continue to fine-tune the helmet size to your satisfaction.
We cannot take responsibility for issues when helmets are used outside of Japan.
HJC Helmet Purchase Services
After taking your head measurements, we will compare it with the data to find the perfect helmet size for you. Furthermore, using adjustment pads made especially for HJC products, we will make a helmet interior that feels order-made to fit you.
We will give you a helmet user card effective for three years after purchase. This will allow you to get a 20% discount on HJC official products, such as interiors, shields, and other small parts.
We will exchange the helmet interiors and shields you have purchased for free.
Models with exchangeable interiors that RS TAICHI OSAKA handles as an official agency are subject to change. Please don’t hesitate to ask staff in the store for details.
Fitting and measuring will take about 20 to 30 minutes. Please ask the staff if you are interested in this service.